What We Believe

What We Believe

Depending on the school of thought, all entities, from the tiniest organism to man, are either expressions of the Divine (existence, pure being, light of consciousness) or reflections of the Divine's attributes. As a result of this shared divinity, Hinduism sees the universe as a family, or Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam, in Sanskrit. According to a well-known hymn:

"Ajyesthaso akanishthaso, ete sambharataro vahaduhu saubhagaya," “No one is superior, none inferior. All are brothers marching forward to prosperity.” 

Hinduism also promotes the idea that all humans are equal in value. Mankind bears a specific responsibility to uphold the equal dignity of all persons and the underlying unity of life through one's relationship with oneself and others because it is widely thought that mankind is the most spiritually evolved species. This responsibility can be accomplished by making sure that one's thoughts, words, and deeds uphold and promote ideals such as truth, kindness, equanimity, empathy, generosity, and equal respect.